Can Do Cards

We see educators in the social field as Change Agents. In our current "Can DO CARDs" project (2022 – 2024) we want to empower these change agents to become the drivers for social change. Change Agents need support to be able to empower disadvantaged people. Creative and innovative skills and competences learnt in our meetings, with our products can assisst to reinforce their resilience and increase their European awareness and civic engagement.

Core element of the projects are the meetings of change agents, in which they are professionalized and empowered.  In these meetings we focus on innovative methods like inter-cultural learning with improvisational theater, democracy learning e.g.. Participatory and process-oriented elements will be included in all sessions. Results of this project will be captured and disseminated in brochures, films and Multiplier Events in each partner country.

Previous Projects

The current projects are based on previous E+/ KA2 projects: The "Can Do Empowerment for Social Change" (2014 – 2017) and "CAN DO Refugees" (2018 – 2021) projects.

In "CAN DO Refugees" people were professionalized and to empowered, who work with refugees on a professional and voluntary basis. Therefore the project combined the experience of practitioners in NGOs (VIA Bayern (Germany), Progestión (Spain), Euro Circle (France)) and the knowledge of universities (University of Thessaly (Greece), American University of Cairo (Egypt)). In this project meetings were held, compilations were produced as well as films.
Here the Blog of the CAN DO Refugee project.

In "CAN DO Empowerment for social change" intercutural and antidiscrimination trainers were empowered to be change agents within their own local context to deal with discrimination and to share and develop an educational, conceptional and methodological basis. In this project also meetings with these trainers were held in each partner country and videos, a manual and a booklet were produced. Partners in this project came from Spain, Austria, Great Britain, the Netherlands and South Africa.